Thursday, December 6, 2007

Cassie's Weight Loss Endeavor

Okay, I am sick of not being able to fit into my pre-prego clothes! My goal is to be back to my pre-prego weight by Judah's first birthday which is January 21. I have 16.6 lbs to go. That is not my ultimate goal but it's a reasonable one for the time I am alotting. I'm going to add a ticker to the very bottom of the page so that everyone can see my progress. I am doing the Weight Watchers Core plan rather than the Flex plan that I did before. On the Flex plan I lost 30 lbs in 3 months and I'm hoping the Core plan will give me similar results. I started it this week and it seems much easier to follow. I will also be training for the Gate River Run starting Dec. 10 which should give me the exercise I need. Wish me luck and keep me accountable and check out my ticker each week!


Jeremy and Lacy said...

Go for it girl! That is awesome! You can do it!

The Jacksonville Hills Family said...

GO CASSIE!! I am here for support whenever you need it! Kick some behind!