Monday, December 17, 2007

How Lovely Are Your Branches

Getting Judah ready to get a tree
Judah and I at the tree lot
our family at the tree lot
Judah's first tree

Tonight we went and got our Christmas tree and decorated it and we are getting ready to watch a Christmas movie. We decided to watch one together every night until Christmas.

We found out today that Asa's mom's new house is not going to be ready in time to have Christmas there so now we are going to have it at our house. We are kind of bummed about it. I have a ton of work to do and not much time and i'm a little stressed. His mom also decided that she would like to have Christmas Eve dinner at a Chinese restaurant in St. Augustine like they did on A Christmas Story. The rest of us are not too excited about that either. I'm really missing my family this year. It's going to be my first year not having everyone together. My older brother is in Brazil and we can't find my neice ( I would appreciate it very much if everyone could pray for both of them. My brother has a hernia that needs surgery but they are very poor there and they don't have good medical care, and my neice is "missing", she is with her mother but they are on the run and hiding from us and my brother cannot do much from another country, we are in the process of having an investigator look for them). My mom will spend it with her boyfriend, my younger brother will be with his girlfriend, and my dad will stop in sometime. All of Asa's family will be here and that is a great thing. They are so fun to be around and all of you who know Ace, know that he is always cracking jokes. His entire family is like that as well. Thank you to all of our friends who have been such a blessing to us this year!