Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Judah bouncing in the kitchen doorway while we cooked dinner.Judah playing in what his uncle Aaron calls junior Alcatraz
Judah and gamma Juanita (Cassie's mom)

Judah and Uncle Andy (Asa's brother)
Aaron, Asa's older brother
Terry, Asa's momAsa's Nana Matt and Juanita (Cassie's mom and brother)

Cass and her mom being silly as usual
Matt and his girlfriend Kelsey
Me and Jude
Juanita and her boyfriend Eddie

I hope everyone had a marvelous Thanksgiving! We hosted at our house this year and had a great time but we also had a couple of important family members missing from the table. My dad lives in NC and stayed up there, my older brother Andy and his wife Suely live in Brazil and my neice Veronica (Andy's daughter) lives with her mom. Asa's dad and oldest brother drive for Panther Trucking and they are on the road for the holiday. My younger brother and his girlfriend Kelsey stopped by to hang out for a while but ate dinner at her aunt's house. So all in all we had Ace, myself, Judah, my mom, her boyfriend, Asa's mom, his nana, and his brothers Andy and Aaron. Of course we stuffed ourselves silly and laughed a lot.


The Burkes said...

Looks like a good time was had by all!