Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Lion Of Judah and Slides

me, Jude and his friend James

I took Jude to the park today and he started going up the stairs and down the slides by himself for the first time. He also liked to just sit on the park benches and watch all of the other kids play. I included a little video of him going down the slide.

We went to Communityfest at Eastpointe last night on Halloween. Judah was the cutest lion i've ever seen.

In the car on the way home from Communityfest

Us with McKenna Burke at Communityfest

Let me look into my crystal ba.. I mean pumpkin

Random picture of Jude sitting on Taba


Jeremy and Lacy said...

These are so cute! I love the pic of him on the park precious! You are right he is the cutest lion I've ever seen too! Looks like yall are having a lot of fun together!